Learning by doing!




“Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I will understand” Confucius 450BC


At English Corner, children practice, memorise and learn vocabulary in the most natural way!

What do we do?

  • we play memory games, boardgames, team games, guessing games…
  • we sing, mime, act,
  • we do arts and crafts,
  • we cook,
  • we read stories,
  • we watch fun short videos,
  • we make our own videos,
  • and we make friends!


The keywords are:

  • Fun and
  • creativity !


Encouraging and inspiring children to develop a love for learning is the main role of the teacher here.

Worksheets or coursebooks are used to support the learning process, but the children themselves are the driving force behind the lesson’s content! Their imagination, creativity and curiosity sets the tone for the topics that are covered.

Class sizes vary between 3 and 6 children. Lessons last 1 hour and are held on a weekly basis, excluding school holidays.

Semi-private lessons (2 children) are also possible.

All-day courses (9am to 4pm) are organised during the school holidays.

English Corner is affiliated to the ONE and can provide parents with a statement that entitles you to a tax reduction of 45% on your expenses for all children under the age of 12. This statement will be delivered upon demand and following payment of the fees.

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