Reach out for new opportunities!




“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela


Teens come to English Corner for many reasons:

  • a motivation to better understand their favourite video games, series or songs,
  • a will to practice English in small groups and gain confidence,
  • difficulties at school, often due to the large number of students,
  • a wish to enrol on a higher-education course which requires a very good level of English,
  • dreams of travelling and communicating with the world,
  • and finally just because English Corner is fun!


What English Corner offers:

  • a secure and encouraging environment to express yourself,
  • adapted and personalised grammar and vocabulary teaching,
  • learning English with authentic materials such as youtube, songs, articles, documentaries and films, social media and interactive games,
  • on-going evaluation,
  • and unlimited enthusiasm!!


Giving teenagers access to English training is giving them the key to succeed in their chosen studies.

Class sizes vary between 3 and 6 teens. Lessons last 1 hour and are held on a weekly basis, excluding school holidays.

Semi-private lessons (2 children) are also possible.

All-day courses (9am to 4pm) are organised during the school holidays.

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